I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your faithful support of this ministry through your generous gifts. Your commitment to helping SS&H serve the needs of our community is genuinely appreciated. Each year SS&H continues to advance its mission of alleviating the pain of personal poverty in the Frederick community by reaching out to those in need. rough our programs we have seen many lives changed. The goal of SS&H is to continue to make a positive difference in the lives of those in our community. With the help of donations from supporters such as you we will continue to see God bless our community.
Thanks again for your generous support of our efforts toward helping our community.
God Bless You All, Frank Clements Chairman, Second Street and Hope
From the Chairman Thank You ... Thank You ... Thank You As Second Street and Hope prepares to transition our operations to the West side of the city I want to recognize our founders, donors and volunteers. Second Street and Hope was initially the vision of Pastor George Earle, Bill Sauser and Mike Albro who in 2002 led the effort to incorporate Second Street as a private nonprofit in downtown Frederick. Since its inception Second Street and Hope has reached out to the folks in downtown Frederick with hot meals, warm clothes and love. Our founders instilled in us a love for the community and particularly for those in our community who are suffering. We have always been a safe place for the distressed, addicted and homeless offering hot meals, warm clothes and recovery. We are forever indebted to our founders mentioned above and all of those early contributors who had the forethought to offer assistance to the disenfranchised in our community. Our faithful donors have allowed us to continue this ministry for the past 16 years always willing to give a little extra during the lean times. 2nd Street has served over 100,000 meals over the past 16 years and provided warm clothing, groceries and personal hygiene products to over 4,000 folks in our community. None of this is possible without our strong donor base. Thank you for your continued support and your love for our community. To every volunteer whose hands have prepared a meal, had a conversation with a community member, washed a pan in our kitchen, packed a bag lunch, decorated a lunch bag, donated clothing, prayed for us....We are deeply grateful to you, and we hope you will continue to walk along side of us in this next season of our growth. None of what Second Street and Hope does could be done without you. You are our community. I initially came to Second Street on a Wednesday in 2003 to meet with my old friend Pastor George Earle. While meeting I heard music and laughter from the back of the church and inquired as to what was going on…. Pastor George explained that it was a Celebrate Recovery meeting sponsored by Second Street and Hope. Pastor George also mentioned that there was pizza downstairs. I started attending the Celebrate Recovery meetings and eating free pizza on Wednesdays which led to attending the Contemporary Service on Saturday evenings. Hanging around the church with the people from Celebrate Recovery, Centennial and Second Street was my first introduction to authentic Christian Community and I loved it. Ms. Juanita Dutrow strongly encouraged me to attend a Men’s Credo Retreat weekend which was the most positively impactful event of my life outside of being present for the birth of my children. After my attendance at Credo I became much more involved in the ministry of helping others. I started helping out and volunteering for different things around Second Street and was eventually invited to join the board. I can’t begin to explain the gratitude I have for everyone at Second Street that have shown me the meaning of community. Everyone who has participated in this ministry by serving or being served has had an amazing impact on mine and my family’s life. I look forward as the Chairman of Second Street and Hope to continuing the legacy of the ministry as we move forward in our community.
Thank you all and God Bless, Frank Clements Chairman, Second Street and Hope Fall, 2018
Frank Clements - Chair
Pat O'Toole - Vice Chair
Ken Switzer - Treasurer
Jamie Eaton - Secretary
Doris Branch and Bill James